Rescue Me! Lab Lab Blog

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1,349,428 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me!

Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Linda Tevault     Date: October 1, 2018 _
     Sosa was seen by a wonderful couple in the northern part of our state who fell in love with Sosa! He now has a great home thanks to Rescue Me.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Pamela Koll     Date: September 9, 2018 _
     My Rescue Me experience was awesome. I greatly respect the background checks that they made to make sure I was not a dog fighter, breeder or a hoarder. It is our job to protect these babies. I would definitely use them again to adopt. I will recommend this organization to all my friends looking for furbabies to love.

Sender: Victoria Vatzlavick     Date: August 24, 2018 _
     I rescued Benji off the streets near my neighborhood and fostered him until I could find a new loving home for him. Just a few days after rescuing him, I received a message from a woman who was interested in adopting Benji. After talking on the phone with each other and going over everything, we both decided that Benji's new home would be a great fit for him! His new owner lives four hours away and can't wait to come and pick him up to take him to his new home. The woman loves to go on hikes and can't wait to have Benji join her! I am super excited for this new journey for Benji and his new owner! Thanks, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Tony Lytle     Date: July 31, 2018 _
     My family and I have to relocate to another state for a job promotion. Although we were very pleased to do so it came with a heavy heart that we had to rehome our beloved puppy, Kiki. Within hours of posting Kiki on Rescue Me we were getting calls (mostly local) to adopt her. We ended up finding a great family for her in a great location. We are extremely happy with Rescue Me and more importantly, knowing that Kiki will be well taken care of.

Sender: Janet Derrick     Date: July 25, 2018 _
     Happy is very happy in his new home. He has a fur sister to play with and her family loves him very much. Thank you, Rescue Me!

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Sender: Janet Derrick     Date: July 25, 2018 _
     Our sweet Ellie found her forever home and we are delighted. Thanks for helping her on her new life journey, Rescue Me!

Sender: Maile Lombard     Date: July 17, 2018 _
     We were looking for a second dog after the loss of our yellow lab, Otis. We thought we found him. We were told by the previous owner that Jack was not only good with other dogs but good with cats. Jack got along great with our springer, Marley. Unfortunately, we found out later that evening that he was not good with cats as he went after our boy, Geddy. We thought we could slowly introduce Jack to Geddy in time as his other dog qualities were pretty darn awesome. A week into it, we had to accept that it just wasn't going to work out. We decided we would foster Jack until we could find the perfect forever home for him. Out of the blue, we get a call from a gentleman from Montana, mind you we live in Idaho. He would love to meet Jack. Well, they made the long trek to Idaho and when they met, it was love at first sight. We knew they were the right family when a double rainbow appeared off in the distance. They loaded Jack into their RV. Jack jumped right in and went straight to the bed to lie down. Jack is off to Montana to spend the rest of his life with a wonderful retired couple from Montana who have a lot of land for him to run around and get lots of love and doggy kisses. My husband and I feel truly blessed that we were able to give Jack the perfect home through Rescue Me.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: George Smith     Date: May 2, 2018 _
     Our lab Clayton, who was also a rescue, passed on at 16 years old. We found Zoey on Rescue Me and her picture with a big smile on her face. I knew she was the one for us. The family who had her was great and came to our home to make sure everything would go well for for her. She is very much loved and has found her forever home. Thank you so much for providing a great service!

Sender: Liz Bates     Date: April 24, 2018 _
     We am very grateful to Rescue Me for helping us get our puppies adopted in less than one week - All to good homes. It was an answer to our prayers! Thanks again and please continue to do what you do!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Kit Slonkosky     Date: April 22, 2018 _
     We found a eight month old pup in our field that somebody had dumped out and left and he very obviously had been abused. He was so fearful and timid that he would growl when you walked up to him, we were able to get him safely to our house and began the search for a home . The local shelter advised us that they usually use a nice black dogs very quickly because there are so many of them and people usually don't adopt a black dogs, add that he was timid in growling a little bit and they most certainly would've seen him his feral and put him down . All the no kill shelters were full so we stumbled across Rescue Me and posted him, within an hour a beautiful young couple made arrangements to visit. Today, he went home with his new family. Without, Rescue Me he would not have had a chance at the life he deserved. Thank you for this service that is so desperately needed and works so well! God answered our prayers through your website! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Betsy Evans     Date: April 14, 2018 _
     I was very selective and it took some time to find the right fit, but Wilbur ended up with a wonderful young family that can meet his needs better than I was able to. Thank you, Rescue Me!

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Sender: Crystal Goolsby     Date: April 13, 2018 _
     We were so pleased to find Nacho on Rescue Me. When we went to meet her, she was very timid and scared. I initially only agreed to foster her for a week to see how she would do in our home. Within four days, I let the rescue know that our family wanted to adopt her. She has become a great companion for our beagle mix and dachshund and is healing their hearts after the loss of their furry brother. She has also become very attached to my young daughter and is so loving with her. She has really come out of her shell and has quickly stolen the hearts of everyone she meets. Thank you so much for bringing rescued animals and their forever families together!

Sender: Donna & Jim Granwehr     Date: April 9, 2018 _
     I left a message at Hardee Animal Clinic, HART aka Hardee Animal Rescue Team that works out of the clinic that we were wanting two mastiff mutt puppies. Shannon called and talked to my husband about the puppies, he was not sure about them. I was told HART used Rescue Me so I have been looking on occasion at the website. It was nice to be able to look up the puppies and see a picture before I emailed Shannon through your website that we would like a meet and greet. What would greatly improve your website would be to have it set up not just by states but by counties. Instead of all of Florida I could look at just the animals in Hardee county up for adoption. This would be really helpful for the Lab dogs only 180 in Florida to surf through which takes a long time! These puppies were not listed under HART so looking just at there postings these puppies did not show up, they were in Polk county which again if you could look at just the counties close to where you live it would speed up the search. With three rescue cats and two puppies, it should be a very long time before we need to use your website again, but it's a great way to help find homes for homeless pets.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Damon Franklin     Date: April 3, 2018 _
     Rescue Me was instrumental in Ember's adoption. Thank you! Link was shared on many hunting websites that generated a lot of interest. Ember has found a good fit and gone to great hunting home.

Sender: Francine Hoese     Date: March 30, 2018 _
     Dazy was adopted by a loving family. Thank you wonderful family and Rescue Me! She will be very well taken care of.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Francine Hoese     Date: March 29, 2018 _
     It was hard but Pepper is going to be real happy with her new family. I love Rescue Me! Thank you to all who were interested in Pepper.

Sender: Rolf Van Rijn     Date: March 18, 2018 _
     Booley was adopted by a wonderful family with Great Dane and large dog experience. We are happy with the outcome of the posting on Rescue Me.

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Sender: Tina Underwood     Date: March 15, 2018 _
     Max has been adopted by a family close by. He is doing great with his fur sibling and new dad. Thanks, Rescue Me!

Sender: Marie Gaffney     Date: March 11, 2018 _
     Rusty won the lottery for sure. After many replies of interest, an actual adoption, and a trial adoption - both of which fell through - Rusty finally found his forever home. He now resides with a loving couple who have another dog, named Rusty!! The two Rustys became fast friends and are the perfect playmates and companions. After all Rusty went through, including being dumped at a high-kill shelter where his brother was euthanized, enduring treatment for heartworm and a myriad of intestinal parasites, he deserves only the best. The new owners now find two Rustys on their bed each night! Rescue Me was the perfect forum to find prospective adopters.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Paula Pareja     Date: March 2, 2018 _
     Braxton was adopted by a great family who are head over heels for him. They are able to provide the and attention that he needs and thrives on. I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Mac Mcneil     Date: February 27, 2018 _
     Nibbles has found a home a couple of hours away. The folks who adopted her are experienced Lab owners and plan to train Nibbles to be a Therapy Dog, at which I think she will excel. The grandchildren already like her, when they met in our yard. We plan to visit in the spring. Very glad that Nibby is getting used to the new surroundings. The family report that Nibbles is sleeping on a dog bed and comfortable in the house. Thanks, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Seana Mcgrath     Date: February 24, 2018 _
     I have adopted a wonderful, loving, respectful, caring puppy, 14 weeks of age through Rescue Me. I love everything about this experience from the caregiver to the transporters. I knew I had the right one when I first saw her, and by no doubt, getting to know her now, I love her. My only thing that had me bummed was, she was so infested with fleas. I gave her a bath twice, sprayed frontline on her, and used the fleas brush, continuously for three hours, straight. I know dogs get fleas, it's my job to continue to prevent that. I just wished it didn't start off so flea infested.

Sender: Starr Bauer     Date: February 23, 2018 _
     We live in the country and often have abandoned dogs at our door. My friend, Karyel, told me about Rescue Me and when the last dog, a black lab mix, was abandoned at our home she posted his information for me. In a few weeks, a very nice couple drove TWO hours to our home to meet Blackjack and instantly fell in love with him. Since then, I've had a great update and it looks like Blackjack is loved and happier than ever. I'm sending our donation and hoping this site stays up for a long time. Thanks for making this adoption possible.

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Sender: Lina Stewart     Date: February 5, 2018 _
     Our Zeg has been adopted! His family first contact us through Rescue Me and after getting approved adopted our Zeg. Thank you Rescue Me for making adoptions possible!

Sender: Lisa Carr     Date: January 29, 2018 _
     Amaia was adopted by a wonderful family. I'm thankful for this site. It's great, but it is for people that are responsible enough to ask potential owners for things like previous vet records with monthly flea and heart worm meds. You need to check out if previous pets received their yearly vaccinations. Thanks, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Meredith Kyle     Date: January 26, 2018 _
     My husband and I have wanted a Chocolate Lab for a very long time, but the opportunity was on the table when a co-worker was on your site. I got on, and Remmie was one of the first dogs to pop up, and it was Love at first site! I emailed from the Link, and Remmies owner got back with me very quick! I sent her pics of my family and dog, and told her how much I would love to have Remmie, and we connected almost immediate, I gave her my number, we started texting questions etc., and she said she would love for us to adopt her! Two days later, I drove two hours to get her, and now I have the best Chocolate Lab ever, and a new friend. The site was extremely easy to use! Thank you, Rescue Me! We now have our dream dog!

Sender: Stephanie Engle     Date: January 18, 2018 _
     I am elated to share wonderful news: Bella has been formally adopted by a wonderful 'Lab only' couple. Bella's placement would have not been as successful if it weren't for Rescue Me and their national outreach. A special thanks to my new foster friends in that area for their help.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Cindy Caldwell     Date: January 18, 2018 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me! Lucy, Ann, Bobo and Jack, I am happy to report that all have gone to the same home. It's wonderful that all of them got to stay together. Thank you for all your interest in these wonderful labs.

Sender: Terrance Dillard     Date: January 14, 2018 _
     Amber was adopted into a good home. Thank you, Rescue Me! Kind Regards, Terrance.

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Sender: Nancy Wetzel     Date: December 21, 2017 _
     Blackie has found his forever home! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Brandi Davis     Date: December 16, 2017 _
     Rescue Me was instrumental in finding my precious Rusty a new home. Thank you so much for having this organization available. It's difficult enough to have to re-home a pet, but having a resource like Rescue Me to assist in the process is comforting and makes it a little easier. Thank you Mr. Gold for making this website accessible and thank you to the wonderful family that adopted Rusty. You are all amazing and I appreciate you so much! God bless and with sincere thanks, Brandi

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Olga Yashkova     Date: November 19, 2017 _
     Thelma found a wonderful home. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Susana Almeida-Fife     Date: November 8, 2017 _
     We adopted Wuzzy and completely feel in love. He's so relaxed and easy going my kids love him. He enjoys going to the dog park and going on walks. He gets snacks and also loves his food. He also loves to snuggle up on the couch and nap. Completely in love with this little guy. Thanks, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Jennifer Burns     Date: November 4, 2017 _
     Elmo, the little golden lab mix had seven inquiries!! He quickly found a home. Rescue Me was a very successful venue for finding Elmo his home. Thanks so much!! Jen B., foster mom for the Black Hat Humane Society.

Sender: Olga Yashkova     Date: October 30, 2017 _
     Gael has found an excellent home! Thank you, Rescue Me!

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Sender: Joy Cameron     Date: October 30, 2017 _
     This wonderful 'pup' found a perfect match on Rescue Me. He is now home and doing very well with his new family. Thank you to everyone that cared about him!

Sender: Mikol Babcock     Date: October 25, 2017 _
     Not only did she find a new home, but we could not have asked for a better family! They actually live within 30 minutes from our home. They don't want to kennel her for holidays so they even asked us to keep her for Thanksgiving and any other time. (Which of course with our circumstances we can easily do!) We miss her like crazy, but we are so very thankful that she chose a great home! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Shelia Ferguson     Date: October 19, 2017 _
     Thank you Rescue Me for helping me to find a wonderful new home for my Slugger (aka Sluggy-bug). From the pictures and numerous texts I have received from his new owner, it is a great fit. I was so worried that he would not find a good home. I prayed and cried for weeks just thinking about having to re-home him, but we were gone all of the time with work, business, children, sports and elderly sick parents. He sure looks happy in the pictures and his new owner says that he has even met the neighbors now and everyone just loves him. I'm so relieved and happy. Thank you and God bless this organization. If I ever decide to get another pet one day down the line, when our lives are less busy and stressful, this will be the first place I look. I will also tell my family and friends about you, too.

Sender: Connie Friedly     Date: October 5, 2017 _
     Zara was rescued from a hoarding situation. Buried deep in the woods on a very short rope. He had no vaccines and not spayed. We took three adult dogs from that situation and two litters of puppies! They are all doing very well. Zara was the first one to get a great new home! They love her and we know that she will be cared for properly! She is a sweet girl for sure. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Lois Vassilion     Date: September 30, 2017 _
     Koro's mom and all of Koro's siblings were going to be left outside while the 'owner' left for three weeks. The 'owner' had taken in the mom as a stray two years earlier, but neglected to give her any care and very little food. Mom and pups were all taken into rescue and all but three have now gone to their furever homes. Thanks, Rescue Me!

Sender: Donna Hoffman     Date: September 18, 2017 _
     Barkley has found his forever home. He has his own yard to play in and an older brother to play with. His new family adores him. Thank you, Rescue Me!

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Sender: Monica Schramer     Date: September 17, 2017 _
     Enzo was adopted the day after his picture was posted. It was nothing short of a miracle how we connected with the adopting family. Thank you, Rescue Me, for helping two families comes together to rehome Enzo into the perfect family for him. Praise God!

Sender: Fred Beauman     Date: September 17, 2017 _
     Today Abby was adopted by a great family. Thanks Rescue Me for having this site. I received calls and emails quickly from some great folks looking for a forever friend.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Jon Walters     Date: September 15, 2017 _
     We received an inquiry from KR just after she visited another family in our area. The mother made the contact with us by phone. She was willing to once again return to our area so she and her children (and a family friend) could meet BeBe to see how she behaved. We wrote an agreement outlining the arrangement and her responsibilities to take our dog back to her home for a couple of weeks to acclimate and to meet her husband. We texted often to discuss behaviors and ideas. This morning she sent us a lengthy email accepting BeBe into their family on a permanent basis! We agreed to contact our vet for her records and will forward them. Thank you, Rescue Me! This was sad for us, but we know BeBe found a 'forever' home with a new loving family. Thank you for providing a website that made this situation possible.

Sender: Mary Hall-Brown     Date: September 7, 2017 _
     Thanks, Rescue Me! Hershey found an amazing home! The family loves him and Hershey has a boy to call his own! Thank you so much for this wonderful site!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Ralph Blatterspiel     Date: August 27, 2017 _
     I have been looking for quite a while for an adult Lab that was healthy, mature, and past the puppy stage. I looked at several sheltered dogs, online websites, and even seriously thought about another breed, besides a lab. In my area of the northwest, this type of Lab is hard to come by and was getting very discouraged. Then about a week ago, I saw a new post on Rescue Me by a lady fostering/adopting out a seven year old female lab about 100 miles south of me by the name of Maisey. Everything sounded great, made an appointment to meet her with my wife's small spayed Yorkie/Maltese mix of 15 months. We all just clicked immediately, even Molly, our small dog liked her. We were able to obtain all of Maisey's items {two beds, bowls, all vet paperwork, etc.} from her foster, and after about an hour, Maisey was on our way to her new home near a huge lake, and halfway up a mountain. Have had her three days now, and we made our first two mile round trip down to the lake for a swim. She loves water, and now exhausted and is sound asleep on the floor next to me. She is a perfect fit, well mannered, obedient, healthy, and after such a long search, was well worth it. She is a keeper. Anyone searching for a particular type dog in mind, don't give up, there is one out there, and when you least expect it, will show up!

Sender: Susan Aldridge     Date: August 26, 2017 _
     Gator Bear was rescued by a couple who loves the companionship of dogs and he even gets to live and sleep indoors like he did with me. They checked him over with their experienced vet who actually called me to let me know how pretty Gator Bear is. They told me that I could visit him, and check on him anytime which I do. That meant the world to me. They are both business owners nearing retirement and have a beautiful home they opened up to share with Gator Bear. I can't tell you how relieved I am knowing that he is taken care of, the way that animals should be. Thank you Rescue Me! Finding a loving forever home for my best friend was manageable, however, I don't want to say easy only because I screen people carefully only because I want what is best and not quick. But that is a personal preference. If you do want to find a home for your furry friend, I would suggest using Rescue Me as a tool. You won't need any other. Thank you, again.

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Sender: Laura Spiecker     Date: August 16, 2017 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! Rocko was rescued by a couple of concerned ladies, out of deplorable conditions. He had multiple sores from flea and fly bites, was severely underweight and left chained up in a yard with no shelter. His owners were being evicted and made no plans for the dog. The owners were agreeable to the ladies taking the dog. He was then taken to the vet for an exam, has been given his vaccinations, wormed and was then placed in a foster home. Thanks to all the rescue groups, he found his forever home and we can only wish many happy adventures for Rocko and his new family.

Sender: Leeanna Romero     Date: August 12, 2017 _
     Poncho was a dumped puppy along with his two other brothers, Lefty & Townes! The three were very untrusting and scared when we found them. We brought them to the ranch to give them the time they needed to become confident, loving, playful pups and help them find their forever families. It worked! We are so happy that Poncho found his family! A wonderful couple who fell in love with him from day one and adopted him. Now, he is a spoiled lap it should be! We Love Poncho! You have an amazing life ahead of you, my friend. Thanks, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Rachel Taylor     Date: June 25, 2017 _
     We are so happy to report our sweet boy, Topher, was adopted! He went to a lovely young couple who understands his needs and will work with him to continue his training and love. They only live an hour away and they said we can visit him any time we want to. It could not have gone better. We are so thankful for Rescue Me. (We contacted several rescue organizations and none of them could take him either due to full capacity or his history not being compatible with their services). This website literally saved his life. We are elated!

Sender: Terry Horne     Date: June 23, 2017 _
     These dogs were both saved and sent to good homes. We took very good care of these doggies and put them on a small private plane and flew them to their forever homes. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Sonja Fitzgerald     Date: June 19, 2017 _
     He got a wonderful home. Has a doctor is a caregiver of a 91 year old man, which being 13 brings him to the same age. What a cute couple they are walking down the street! All the torture this poor dog had for years and now in his old age has a wonderful home. Thanks, Rescue Me!

Sender: Tim Smith     Date: June 13, 2017 _
     The last year or so I've been considering getting a puppy, then on a recent camping trip with friends someone had their new puppy with them. The camping trip with that little dog effected all of us. It made my mind up that the time is right, and truthfully, it is. I have lots of time to spend bonding with a pet this summer. Rescue Me made the search very easy. I never had to leave the house. Once I identified the puppy for me, the process was quick and easy. Can't wait until my companion arrives. Thanks to all the staff at Rescue Me for walking me through the process.

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Sender: Mackenzie Ames     Date: June 8, 2017 _
     We could not keep our dear Hamilton, but within hours of posting his picture and profile on Rescue Me, we were in contact with his forever home. We took him for a visit and they loved him. He was the dog they had been searching for four weeks. He is now with them and we are so thankful we could re-home him and not surrender him to a shelter or pound. Thank you for a quick and easy site to connect animal lovers. Thank you from the people who can't keep their pets to the ones searching for their next family pet. Love you forever, Hammy.

Sender: Krissie Vailolo     Date: May 29, 2017 _
     Jax has been looking for a new home for about two months since my medical conditions are needing some expensive tests costing about $1500. His first post didn't get many results and I lost his ID number. So he was posted again with a different picture and in less than two hours, his perfect fit called me. It was a prayer answered and now he will be the center of attention and will be in a home that has time to train him and give him the life he deserves! I am so appreciative of Rescue Me. Both of my sweet dogs have found their homes and families that are so wonderful!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Daima Portal     Date: May 29, 2017 _
     Mya, the six year old female Lab Chow we fostered, was adopted thanks to Rescue Me! We are all thrilled! Thank you!

Sender: Joleen Brannigan     Date: May 27, 2017 _
     What an incredible love story! Sadie was adopted by a couple who lost their beloved 17 year old Lab/Plott Hound mix. After searching for a new addition to their family for months, they saw Sadie on Rescue Me and simply knew she was the one. After driving from St. Louis to North Carolina to pick her up, Sadie now has a new home with acres to run that backs up to a preserve. She's camping this weekend and they had a 'welcome to the neighborhood' Tiki party in her honor. Sadie will now be living the life all dogs dream of and certainly deserve. Welcome to your new home, Sadie Girl!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Gary Ogilvie     Date: May 22, 2017 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! Zebo was my stepson's dog. My stepson has been struggling with drugs. He left his dog with us, but soon realized that he had a long rehab in front of him. He knew that it would be better for Zebo to go to a more stable home. He trusted me to handle it since I do dog rescue. I feel he made a mature decision and in the best interest of his dog. Prayers for my stepson as he goes through this process.

Sender: Jeff Roberts     Date: May 19, 2017 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! Sequoia was seen by a couple in Ontario, Canada. They drove to Georgia to adopt (and save) this sweet heartworm positive girl.

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Sender: David Zick     Date: April 28, 2017 _
     Chevy has received several inquiries. It was a difficult choice as many were suitable forever homes, however we think we found the perfect family for him, and we are excited for him. It has been a smooth transition in finding Chevy his new home. Thank you Rescue Me! Your assistance in what could have been an ordeal is much appreciated!

Sender: Elizabeth Brosius     Date: April 21, 2017 _
     Sophia has a new fur ever home and a new name. She has a loving family and a few acres to run and play. God is good! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Lois Vassilion     Date: April 18, 2017 _
     China is a very sweet and gentle soul who was dumped by. She found a wonderful home with the help of Rescue Me!

Sender: Shirley Johnson     Date: April 15, 2017 _
     We got Gracie from a local shelter with the prediction that she would be 30 pounds full grown. When she topped out at 57 pounds and began jumping over our fences, we knew it wasn't fair to keep her here in the country without adequate fences. We posted her on the wonderful Rescue Me site and had two families who wanted her. Yesterday, we adopted her to a lady who lives on a lake. Gracie was very friendly with the lady from the moment the two met and I believe she will have a wonderful life. Thank you, Rescue Me and Jeff Gold, for creating this site where pets can find the homes they need and deserve.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Karen Johnson     Date: April 15, 2017 _
     I am so very thankful to have found this sweet young lab mix on the Rescue Me site! Barley is such a sweet boy, with a loving, affectionate disposition! He had been living in a shelter for over four months last winter waiting for adoption. One lucky spring day I showed up looking to adopt. Barley's life now is filled with hugs and love and he truly seems very grateful. He gets along wonderfully with his new brother, my eight year old German Wirehair/Flat-coated Retriever mix. This energetic boy eagerly looks forward to our daily runs in the forest and soon we will be backpacking together. Thank you Rescue Me!

Sender: Jan Plant     Date: April 15, 2017 _
     Ember was adopted through Rescue Me! Thank you for helping so many!

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Sender: Claudia Clontz     Date: April 12, 2017 _
     My beautiful Boo found a wonderful home. I am so grateful for them and for Rescue Me!

Sender: Carol Turner     Date: April 10, 2017 _
     Our sweet Buster went to a wonderful home with three beautiful children to love and spoil him and a wonderful new mom and dad who he protects every time he sits on the sofa. We could not have made this possible without Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Michael Nero     Date: April 3, 2017 _
     I adopted Buck one day ago, and we are already best friends. He is so handsome and won't leave my side. Thank you to everyone involved in saving him so that I could have a loyal friend for years to come. I would recommend Rescue Me to anyone looking to adopt a great animal! Thanks so much!

Sender: Genna Gibbs     Date: March 30, 2017 _
     Willow rescued us. She loves as much love and affection she can get. She is very smart and most of the time she minds well. It was over 3 years before she would not take off if the front door was open. She would run down the street and ignore us calling her. We would have to get in the car and go after her. Open the door, call her, and she would jump right in. She loves car rides. She has one quirk that we cannot figure how it started. If you tell her to go outside, she stares at you. If you try and force her, she becomes dead weight. If you walk out with her, she will go. If you open the door and walk away, she goes out. She has a very strong reaction to fireworks, tires that blowout on the freeway behind us, and any sharp, short noise. She tries to melt into you and she just vibrates once you hold her. She now has a sister that's six months older than her. They mostly get along great. Bella loves to play. I think Willow is learning to play. It is so sad that she didn't know how to play when she was a year old. She is still unsure of people, but she's getting better. We love her so much. We've always had 'talkers' and her daddy is teaching her to talk. I'm so glad we found her. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Norma Torres     Date: March 30, 2017 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! Sophie was adopted by a magnificent couple. She is now a spoiled girl who gets to go to the park every day!

Sender: Anna Olafsdottir     Date: March 28, 2017 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! Little Bella has been adopted. She now lives in a big house with a big yard, a big swimming pool and LOTS of love. She has a sister, Maggie, who is a big Labrador. Maggie has taught Bella not to be afraid anymore. The two of them are inseparable. They eat together, sleep together, play together go swimming together and then at night they go sleep with Mom in her big bed. I had a lot of wonderful people contact me through Rescue Me. Thank you! I had been warned that there ARE bad people out there who pretend to be good so that they can adopt these animals to harm them. You might want to warn people and advise them to be extra careful about who adopts. Ask questions, screen, go to the home and examine it and try to get a sense for the adopters while you are at it. If there is anything you don't like, don't do it. Wait till you find someone good. You can never be too careful these days. The little animals are completely helpless and it is our responsibility to make sure they are safe and loved and fed and warm and well taken care of. Thanks again, Rescue Me! You truly make the world a better place!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Marina Schaum     Date: March 27, 2017 _
     I posted my dog for adoption on Rescue Me and got a reply that evening for adoption possibility. We talked on the phone and arranged meeting few days later. The home and the family were perfect for my dog. We spent around two hours with the family. Even though we planned to come back later, we ended up leaving our dog with a new family that night. We kept in touch that evening and next day. We took the rest of the dog's belongings, medical and health records next day to her new home. The dog and her new family looked very happy. I am so excited for a new life for my dog. Thank you Rescue Me, for a great help to connect us with the perfect family.

Sender: Nancy Florick     Date: March 27, 2017 _
     I will always use Rescue Me to post my rescue dogs. I found Roopa, a Lab mix, a really great home. She is living comfortably with a single lady and her furry babies.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Matthew Chadwick     Date: March 26, 2017 _
     Found a great home for Sport where he can get the exercise, love and attention without negative energy surrounding him. Extremely happy for this match. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Betty Corbin     Date: March 21, 2017 _
     Our sweet boy, Diesel, now has a new home and a brand new playmate too! So glad I got in touch with Rescue Me! I had no idea how we could find another loving home after my son's accident. It was as if Diesel found heaven (with lots of room to roam)! Once he jumped out of the car and checked out his new forever home, he was all smiles. Glad I got in touch with Rescue Me. Thank you!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Yenizel Palacios     Date: March 21, 2017 _
     Thank you for your help. I was contacted immediately through Rescue Me, and she is being adopted soon.

Sender: Yenizel Palacios     Date: March 21, 2017 _
     This angel was adopted thanks to Rescue Me.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Yenizel Palacios     Date: March 10, 2017 _
     Yeni was adopted a few hours after I posted her on Rescue Me! Thanks to your site she was saved and will not be euthanized. Thanks.

Sender: Heather Boccanfuso     Date: March 6, 2017 _
     On Thursday, I had the good fortune to come across the newest member of our family, Chloe! My sister told me about a puppy that had been returned to the rescue so I went to check her out. She was lucky enough to be in the process of being adopted. Then I saw Chloe! My boyfriend and I looked at several older dogs and applied to adopt. We never heard back. Thank goodness I decided to visit the puppies! We plan on giving her a long healthy happy life! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Michaela Smith     Date: March 4, 2017 _
     We have found a loving home for our best friend. It is so bittersweet for him to be absent from our lives, but he is in a new loving home. His new owner will spoil him rotten. Love and kisses, Kodie. And thanks to Rescue Me for helping us find him a new loving partner.

Sender: Jennifer Elliott     Date: February 20, 2017 _
     We are so happy with our new addition of Nova to the family. Thank you so much for sharing her on Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Jennifer Penick     Date: February 15, 2017 _
     Sweet Misha is the perfect dog, loving, loyal, house trained, perfect on the leash and with other dogs and people. She was empathetic and would just melt into anyone who would let her near them. Luckily, after being pulled out of the local shelter by our rescue, then treated for heartworms, then remaining here for months recovering and enjoying our foster home with the other animals, she caught the eye of a pastor who was looking for the perfect dog to join her in her home. Knowing that the dog had to be loving and accommodating to those who came there in a crisis and hurting, Misha was the right dog for her. I am thrilled to have used Rescue Me to make that connection for this awesome dog. A black lab success story!

Sender: Bernadettette Woods     Date: February 11, 2017 _
     Rex is in a great home, I know he will adjust well. It was hard to give him up, but with losing my job and starting over I could not afford his medical expenses. Then someone came to his rescue. I know he will take care of this big dog and love and take care of him as I have. Brady, you're heaven sent and I can't thank you enough. Rescue Me helped me find a home for Rex and I am so thankful!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Linda Bayless     Date: January 25, 2017 _
     My husband and I were at a crossroads as to what we should do about our dog. My husband is a musician in four bands so we are away from home a lot. And we thought about how our dog was alone more than we were able to spend time with him. I posted on Rescue Me on an evening. The next day, I had 14 phone calls and messages! The first call we received was a person out of town and she wasn't sure if it would work for her, but the second call was from a really sweet lady. She informed me that she and her husband had been looking for a dog and when she saw Bear's picture, she knew he was it! She and her husband came today and Bear went to his new home! Meeting the couple in person really made us feel that we made the right choice. We both know Bear is going to have a great life!

Sender: Teresa Shane     Date: January 25, 2017 _
     Through a change in life circumstances, I had to make the truly painful decision to re-home my Lab mix. A couple contacted me who have a farm and just retired. They wanted a constant driving companion and couch buddy. When my dog met the couple, she immediately connected with both of them and off they went. I could not have done this without Rescue Me! Thank you for making a very painful time easier. I know she will be in a good place and very happy.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Kate Contreras     Date: January 24, 2017 _
     I was able to find the absolute perfect furever homes for my two dogs that I love dearly. I could not part with them unless I found them the best possible situation and I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you Rescue Me!

Sender: Kellie Mooney     Date: January 23, 2017 _
     Sasha found a wonderful home with a gal whose 14 year old dog passed away two years ago. She was finally ready to open her heart to another furry friend and Sasha captured her heart! Sasha is a sweet and loving companion who was found in the mountains of Kauai. Animal rescue wasn't sure how long, Sasha had been alone, but based on how timid and scared she was, we suspect she may have been feral. We adopted Sasha and brought her back to California in hopes of finding a loving home and a better life for her. Our two year old Viszla, Cooper, warmed up to Sasha and they quickly became best buds! I think Cooper helped Sasha gain confidence and feel at ease as she learned how to live in a home and be part of a family. When we realized it was time and Sasha was ready for a permanent home, we could not have asked for a better match with Shelly! During our Holiday visit with family, we took Sasha to spend a couple days with Shelly for a trial run. I'm glad to say it was a match made in heaven! We miss Sasha but are thrilled she is happy, thriving and making new friends! Thank you Shelly for opening your heart and home to Sasha! And thank you to Rescue Me for providing a safe, reliable service for placing animals In a good home! Sincerely, Kellie, Maddie and Michael

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Darlene Welborn     Date: January 21, 2017 _
     I rescued Shine from our shelter where I volunteer. She was so shy and withdrawn. When I looked into her eyes, I knew I could not leave her there. I was able to foster her with a local rescue in the county. Her shyness was a barrier to her adoption. Someone saw her posting on Rescue Me and fell in love with her. Shine will stay with a great foster family who will help her move through some shyness and into the home of the adopter.

Sender: Michele Lopez     Date: January 17, 2017 _
     After many months on different rescue websites, my boyfriend and I finally found what we were looking for. These two precious sisters were looking to be adopted together. They have turned to be the most wonderful thing that's happened to us in a long time. They are lovable and all around perfect. The women I dealt with from beginning to end was fantastic, very professional and loves her animals. Thank you Rescue Me for helping me find my forever family.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Melissa Maksimenko     Date: January 14, 2017 _
     My husband and I had been looking for a new dog after we lost our Golden Retriever to cancer. We registered with several rescues and had not had any luck with the two we had registered with. We decided to look on Resccue Me and found our lovely dog, Allie. We love her very much and she loves us. Allie likes her walks, loves her Kong, and her bone. She just turned a year old and enjoys car rides with the windows down. Thank you Rescue Me for helping us find our Allie girl!

Sender: Michael Ansell     Date: January 9, 2017 _
     The lab was adopted. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Andre Gatling     Date: January 3, 2017 _
     As a Comedian, for well over 10 years, there's nothing funny about an animal having to find a new family after loosing the one that they believed was going to be forever. I can't express the support that this site has provided me in regards to finding homes for these animals. Usually, I would use social media and/or rescue resources that I've acquired over the years. I've received just as many inquiries through Rescue Me as I would have the old school conventional way. Jackson came to me with a surrender deadline of only a week to find a home. A willing adopter was found the day before Jackson was supposed to be surrendered... Whew! For me, searching for homes for animals is like a comedy career, you'll probably find more failures than success within your efforts as I'm sure most people and rescues on this site would agree. This forum gives us that extra resource to increase the probability of actually finding a home and eliminate, at least, some burden. I, again, can't thank the creator of this site and the supporters enough for their help and willingness to care. -Andre Gatling

Sender: Melodie Terwilliger     Date: December 8, 2016 _
     I placed this amazing creature in the MOST wonderful home. The new furrever owner found me on Rescue Me and I met and approved the adoption. Thank you so much for helping us tender hearted souls who cannot keep every sweet furry creature we rescue to find furrever homes! So much appreciation going out your way!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Eleni Calomiris     Date: December 4, 2016 _
     When I set out to start a rescue of my own after working for another shelter for six years I thought it would be a lot of work, but relatively simple. What I didn't realize was how long the 501c3 process would be to become a legal non-profit organization. I became nervous that all of the ways I was used to in my previous shelter to promote dogs would not be available to my new group for months while we worked towards non-profit status, but then I rediscovered Rescue Me. Your site was the only one where we did not have to be 501c3 yet, or interview at inconvenient times on the phone, or scramble to find a vet willing to write a formal reference for our organization before being willing to post our pets. Your site is focused on one thing: finding pets new homes. I was able to post our available animals the very day they arrived and this week with your help, Coco and Dio make the fifth and sixth official Wayward Ranch Animal Sanctuary adoptions, and every single one of those has been found through Rescue Me, and Rescue Me ALONE. Thank you for what you do for rescues and individuals that are just trying to do the right thing for their animals. Eleni Calomiris, Founding Director Wayward Ranch Animal Sanctuary

Sender: Sara Grosland     Date: November 26, 2016 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me, for helping find Maddie her new home. We are not a rescue, she was our pet, but we couldn't keep her. And thank you Brian and Alison, you rock!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Jill Kidd     Date: November 25, 2016 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! We have just adopted Emily from Tess' K9 Rescue, who posted her on your site. We haven't met her yet but are super excited. Everyone was so nice and helpful during the process. We can't wait for her to get here.

Sender: Jim Tupp     Date: November 20, 2016 _
     We had over a dozen responses within the first 24 hours after posting on Rescue Me. The first one turned out to be a loving couple on a farm... A perfect home for Morty.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Lab Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Dawn Schenck     Date: October 26, 2016 _
     He found a great home. Thanks for the help, Rescue Me!

Sender: Katherine Morrison     Date: October 14, 2016 _
     I used Rescue Me to find our precious new family member, Bronx. He immediately stole my heart and continues to just give out more love by the day. My husband and I are beyond grateful for this site and how helpful it was in aiding our search for our boy. He spends his days lounging with me, playing tug-o-war, and trying to make friends with our cats. Thank you, Rescue Me for leading us to this amazing pup. I hope everyone else has just as much success using this site as we did!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Lab Rescue

Sender: Rick Morrison     Date: October 4, 2016 _
     My experience with Rescue Me was awesome. We had some unforeseen circumstances that would not allow us to provide the home that Molly deserves. The ease of use and response was great! We successfully found Molly a new home in less than a week. Thank you!

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